Teens learn about Curaçao in school in Belgium

The city of Charleroi is in the French speaking region in Wallonie, South of Belgium and in this Dutch speaking class students learn how to speak Dutch, so they were curious to understand how Dutch is also spoken in other countries besides Belgium and the Netherlands in a place such as Curaçao.

Last week, I had the honor to teach at Collège du sacré coeur in Charleroi, Belgium! The 6th grade of secondary year (age 16-18) were eager to learn about my native island Curaçao as a Dutch Kingdom in the Caribbean, about our school systems, our languages Dutch, Papiamentu (Spanish, English) our culture, food, mindset, history and more. 

Curaçao had the honor to be part of their written school examinations were students gave written feedback in Dutch about Curaçao, my presentation and what they’ve understood and learned. 

I had the opportunity to teach a little bit about my profession as a health & wellness coach & speaker around the world, about our language Papiamentu, share how I’m currently learning French officially as a 5th language, the importance of speaking several languages for work, travel, and a better future. Furthermore, I explained the importance about having a positive mindset to reach our goals. 

As an international speaker, and wellness coach, I’ve been traveling and living abroad for the last 18 years to learn, teach, and connect the world to cultures, well-being and health. In September 2019, Olga accepted the award of É Bon Yu di Kòrsou (BYDK) pin for my international efforts to represent my island Curaçao abroad and for inspiring people and children around the world and in Curaçao to live happier and healthier! Melissa from Trai Merdia TV Show at Tele Curaçao awarded Olga the BYDK honorable pin on national TV for teaching kids in Indonesia and other countries about Curaçao, as well as representing Curaçao as an island ambassador world wide. It was with great honor to represent Curaçao in Belgium at schools 7,804 km (4,849 miles) away!! 

The school’s teachers and students enjoyed this so much that they are looking into including my talks more frequently for more classes and other grades as well to participate, so more students will learn more about Curaçao and Papiamentu!