698. “Bo’i Palu in China” by Curaçao Artist Francis Sling
Born and bred yu’i Kòrsou living in the Netherlands since 2000, Francis Sling (33) was recently commissioned to paint a mural for the International Youth Hostel Mandala in Xining, a small but up-and-coming tourist destination in China’s northwest Qinghai Province. The story is as magical as the end-product: one of Francis’ Facebook fans happened to share a photo…
Ephrem J
Musiko, Kompositor i Artistanan tine moeilijk, Ora inverti trese kalidat no ta duna balor na e trabou. (Sen tira afo) Ora no tin sen pa inverti mas paso ke kos nan di kalidat no a hanja atenshon, bo ta keda sin saka nada mas of saka “shit” ku si ta pega i of hanja atenshon…
Ocho ‘Kompania di Insentivo ’ Brasilero ta di bishita pa sera konosí ku nos isla
“Meeting Planners” Brasilero impreshoná ku Kòrsou: Willemstad- 19 yüni 2013- Riba inisiativa di Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) i Hotèlnan un grupo di “Meeting Planners” Brasilero ta di bishitá na Kòrsou e siman aki. Durante di nan bishita nan ta hospedá na Curaçao Hilton Hotel. Algun di esnan ku ta di bishitá na Kòrsou…
Donald Trump a Konfirma
Donald Trump a konfirma ku Moscu, kapital di Rusia, lo ta e luga ofisial ku ta bai risibi mas di 80 Kandidata na hinter mundo pa kompeti na Miss Universe 2013, 9 di November.
Morgan Isenia ta Selebrá Kòrsou!
Willemstad – Djamars 2 di Yuli ta dia di Bandera di Kòrsou i e popular lokutor Morgan Isenia a prepará un spesial musikal titulá “Selebrá Kòrsou!”, ku lo dura 2 siman. E spesial aki ta pa kuminsá akitivá for di awor selebrashon di nos Dia di Bandera. Fo’i Djaluna 17 di Yuni te ku Djaluna…
CHATA Congratulates Avila Hotel Curacao! CHTA Education Foundation Scholarship For Avila Hotel Employee!
CHATA is proud to share with you the results of the 2013 CHTA Education Foundation Scholarships. The Education Foundation was established in 1987as a non-profit organization, through which scholarships and special assistance are made available for the education of Caribbean hotel industry personnel and students pursuing hotel careers. As part of its mission, the Foundation…
Carnaval Casino a entregá diferente premio riba Dia di Tata
WILLEMSTAD- Yüni 2013: – Tabata durante selebrashon Dia di Tata ku Carnaval Casino a duna tur tata e oportunidat di gana tremendo premio. Hendrik Janga a bai kas ku 1,000 florin kèsh, Glenn Gregoria un brùnch pa 2 na Nautilus, Rudy Benito un sena pa 2 na Cru Steakhouse & Winebar i Hoamou Fang un…
Vários promoshon pa Kòrsou internashonalmente
CTB hasiendo promoshon internashonal pa nos hotèlnan: WILLEMSTAD- 17 di yüni 2013:- Esaki ta e temporada ku práktikamente tur hotèl den region ta dediká na mantenshon, p’asina prepará nan mes pa dianan di zomer i bishitantenan ku ta buk nan pasashi pa disfrutá di nan ‘summer vacation’ huntu ku nos na Kòrsou. Resientemente Ofisina di…
Get fit with O
Upcoming 30th June!! DUST of your sneakers and wake up to morning fitness!! Tired of being out of shape or out of breath? Why not come and try this exciting FULL body work out and have some great fun walking and swimming afterwards. This is a great way to get FIT and meet new people…
Banco di Caribe ta lansa kampaña pa fiansa personal
….ku oportunidat di gana 10,000 florin…. WILLEMSTAD- Yüni 2013; Den kuadro di selebrashon 40 aña Banco di Caribe, ta lansa un kampaña di fiansa personal dediká na tur mayor ku yu(nan) pendiente pa studia den eksterior. Tur yu tardi òf trempan lo habri ala i sali for di e nèshi i ta importante pa nan…