Tonight, October 12 th , Levi Silvanie’s new song “Take Flight” will be launched on Dutch national TV in the very popular ‘Dino Show’. As tonight’s Jandino Show is
the last of this season at 09:25 pm on RTL5, the expected viewers audience will be bigger than ever. Levi Silvanie joins Jandino on air and in Jandino’s sold out
theatre tour in 40 theatres in The Netherlands. Levi Silvanie wrote “Take Flight” 4 years ago, as a personal journey through his fears and aspirations. “This song pushes me to live my dreams”, the popular singer/songwriter explains. “I have been working on the production of ‘Take Flight’ in beautiful Sweden, and when Jandino heard the song, he insisted that we release the song on his show”. Tonight, Thursday 13th of October, Levi debuts on Dutch Television during the Last Dino Show of this season, featuring an acoustic version of his upcoming single ‘Take Flight’. Levi is currently touring with Jandino, as a surprise/support act during his newest show starring Judeska ”Van Je Familie Moet je Het Hebben”. A tour consists of 40 shows throughout whole Netherlands, and will end with a grand finale show in the Heineken
Music Hall. You can follow Levi’s Journey and get a little peek into his travel adventures and performances in Europe on social media: Snapchat (@levisilvanie) and
Instagram (@levi.silvanie) stories. Take Flight’ is available on iTunes, Spotify and Youtube.