CHATA Starts cooperative agreement with Atraveo CHATA & Atraveo join forces to grow German market

Willemstad, October 26th 2015 – Atraveo, a German online booking engine continues its global expansion with Curaçao as the third emerging Caribbean destination for German travelers. CHATA and Atraveo initialized a strategic partnership within the context of the growing German market and additional Air Berlin flight commencing this winter.

Atraveo, a TUI Company, is a highly successful German booking engine, specialized in holiday apartments and houses. Atraveo continues its expansion by focusing on Curaçao, which is the third emerging Caribbean destination for the German market. The Caribbean expansion is realized through a Strategic partnership between CHATA & Atraveo. Atraveo is a holiday home market on the Internet, featuring approximately 250,000 apartments and houses scattered in Europe and globally.

The CHATA – Atraveo partnership came into existence since the German market has proven to be performing steadily with a 99% load factor in the first quarter of 2015 and an arrivals’ surge of 290% since the introduction of the Düsseldorf – Curaçao itinerary in 2011. The additional flights added on the Itinerary confirms the confidence in Curaçao as a destination; in anticipation of the 2nd Air Berlin flight CHATA’s strategy is to promote the Small Accommodations in the growing German market through Atraveo.

Ever since the successful launch of the Small Accommodation Program in June, CHATA has added 23 CHATA Certified Small Accommodations to its member portfolio. The certification process to become a CHATA Small Accommodation member requires an audit. The audit requires properties to pass minimum requirements for Small Accommodations to comfortably accommodate tourists according to expectations. Upon passing the audit, the Small Accommodation can become a CHATA Member, receive its Small Accommodation Certification Award and benefit from the Atraveo alliance and additional exposure.

CHATA President & CEO, Ms. Lizanne Dindial refers to the partnership as a strategic and logical alliance since the Düsseldorf – Curaçao itinerary operated by Air Berlin has been performing well with very good load factors and an ever increasing arrivals’ surge. According to Ms. Dindial, this partnership adds great value to CHATA Membership for Small Accommodations, as the exposure of Small Accommodation CHATA Members will grow considerably thanks to the CHATA – Atraveo Partnership.

CHATA’s partnership with Atraveo is merely the beginning of many more partnerships to come. CHATA strives to have numerous strategic partnerships in place in order to add great value to CHATA Membership and Tourism & Hospitality on our island. CHATA strives to launch the page dedicated to its certified small accommodations online by January 2016, in an effort to maximize the exposure for small accommodation CHATA members. For more information on CHATA Membership and the Small Accommodations Program, please contact Kyara Wanga –