On March 25, 2015, the Members of CHATA elected the ir new Board of Directors. This took place at the Central Bank of Curaçao & St. Maarten during the Annual General Meeting. The general meeting is the main membership meeting held every year where the members are updated on the challenges of the industry, forecast and outlook on 2015/16 and financials of the organization looking back at the previous term. The key-note speech was given by the honorable Dr. E. Tromp
President of the Central Bank. The importance of the tourism industry for the growth in our economy was the high light of the meeting. Dr. Tromp focused on the importance of the tourism industry and how the financial sector must invest in the development of this industry that holds great growth potential. During the meeting CHATA’s President & CEO, Lizanne Dindial opened up the meeting with the keywords “Tourism is Economy” this is what the industry represents for the economic
development of our island. We are in a growth phase, and we need to embrace this momentum. We need to invest in our product with a focus on additional rooms.
For 2015, CHATA will be changing the game by thinking differently. Let us make use of the potential of our tourism industry. Tourism is Economy CHATA elects new Board. The new board consists of the following CHATA members: Position Name Company President & CEO Lizanne, Dindial CHATA Directors Name Company Ben Hoijtink, Wasserij Korsow Cedric Nubul, Hilton Curaçao Eduardo Reple,Curaçao Marriott Beach Resort Frank Holtslag, Floris Suite Hotel Irene Ferreira Trupial Inn
Jeroen Kibbelaar Impacto N.V, Jurgen Lippinkhof Insel Air, Omar van der Dijs Licores Maduro, Peggy Croes Curaçao Airport Partners, Sander Winterberg Livingstone Jan Thiel Resort, Will Vogels Lions Dive Beach Resort, CHATA would like to thank Maurice Adriaens from Curacao Airport Holding, Alette Borger from Dolphin Suites
and Louella Brezovar from the Curacao Marriott for their period with us as a board member of CHATA. CHATA is convinced that the newly appointed board of directors
will continue with the mission and vision of CHATA and contribute to the development of a sustainable tourism industry with a strong focus on public and private partnership. Finally CHATA would like to thank the members of CHATA for attending the annual AGM and the support given throughout the year. We welcome the new board and we wish them all the best 
of luck.