Selikor ta trese kambio den algun ruta di rekohé shushi di kas
Debí na un kresemente enorme den e kantidat di kas den algun bario, Selikor mester modifiká 6 ruta di rekohé shushi di kas di e total di 85. Ta trata akí di e siguiente rutanan: Brievengat Bieu, Brievengat Nobo, Mahaai, Cas Cora, Dominguito/Harbour View i Dominguito/Bottelier. Tur e rutanan akí entrante 1 di dezèmber lo…
Carnaval Casino a entregá outo #160
Pabien na sra. Ellen Suarez Simmons! WILLEMSTAD/NOV 2019– Manera ta e kaso tur fin di luna, djarason dia 30 di òktober a saka ganadó di outo #160. Su siguiente dia, djaweps mainta, sra. Sharnesca Lebar, Marketing Manager pa Carnaval Casino a entregá sra. Ellen Suarez Simmons e yabinan di su KIA Cerato 2020. Outo #161…
Banco di Caribe lo abri su filial na Sta. Maria dia 11 di novèmber próksimo
WILLEMSTAD- NOV 2019: Despues di algun luna di remodelashon Banco di Caribe na Sta. Maria ta kasi klá pa su reapertura dia 11 di novèmber próksimo. Tantu paden komo pafó di e edifisio a keda remodelá. Banco di Caribe lo selebrá e reapertura di su filial na Sta. Maria durante 1 siman ku diferente insentivo…
Loss of power impacts customers in Curaçao
C&W Communications, the operators of Flow and UTS, is aware of the recent issues experienced by Aqualectra that impacted the delivery of electricity via the national grid to many parts of Curaçao earlier today Monday, November 4th, 2019. Customers across the island who were adversely affected by the power outage experienced a loss of connectivity…
2019 CNSJF- A tantalizing entertainment experience benefiting Curaçao’s economy.
The 2019 Curaçao North Sea Jazz Festival (CNSJF) was held during the U.S. Labor Day Weekend between August 29 and August 31. The festival took place at its traditional venue, the Curaçao World Trade Center. This year’s festival offered, similar to the previous year, a unique promotion with one free admission to a show on…
CURA DOET den 2020: A lansa e di shete edishon di CURA DOET! Henter Kòrsou atrobe ta kla pa “Dun’un man!”
WILLEMSTAD —Riba djaluna 28 di òktober a lansa e di shete edishon di CURA DOET, e akshon boluntario di mas grandi na Kòrsou. For di 2014 ku a lansá e promé edishon ku tabata sumamente eksitoso, organisashonnan sosial (entre otro sentronan di bario, skolnan, kasnan di kuido, klupnan deportivo, krèsh, ets.) ta inskribí un proyekto…
Dominican Tourism Security Force Visiting Curaçao to Present their Prevention and Protection Plan
WILLEMSTAD – October 31, 2019 – The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) and POLITUR Curaçao recently invited representatives of the Cuerpo Especializado de Seguridat Turística (CESTUR), the tourism security force of the Dominican Republic, to fly over and share their Prevention and Protection Plan with local authorities in Curaçao. CESTUR was officially established in 2013, but…
Lesamentu di buki ku Crisèn Schorea i Diana Lebacs na Digicel Brionplein
Dia 31 di òktober próksimo WILLEMSTAD: Despues di un eksitoso apertura di siman di buki na Sambil, Digicel ta sigui e trayekto dibertido aki ku muchanan di Kòrsou. E biaha aki lo hiba e muchanan riba un aventura ku eskritornan lokal Crisèn Schorea i Diana Lebacs na Digicel Brionplein. Lesamentu di buki ta esensial pa…
Konsepto Karibense di Marriott nobo ku radiashon kompletamente otro ku promé
WILLEMSTAD – Anke situá na e mesun sitio ku e Marriott bieu, Curaçao Marriott Beach Resort nobo lo haña un radiashon kompletamente diferente. Esei ta loke Gerente General Craig Martin durante un enkuentro ku prensa awe tardi a titulá komo ‘fresh & casual Caribbean’, na e isla Kòrsou ku segun e ta bai tin un…
Ouditoria di kalidat i medioambiente a finalisá positivo pa Selikor
E kompania di ouditoria hulandes BSI a ouditá Selikor NV riba su maneho di kalidat i medioambiente segun e último normanan ISO 9000-2015 i 14001-2015 i Selikor a pasa e kòntròl akí di forma eksitoso. Esaki ta nifiká ku Selikor NV lo risibí un bes mas e sertifikado di ISO di kalidat i lo mantené…