Seramentu di Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort
WILLEMSTAD – Na e momentu inesperá aki henter mundu, meskos ku Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort, ta wordu konfrontá ku retonan ekstraordinario. “Ademas di e retonan finansiero ku e hotel a bin ta konfrontá for di su apertura 10 aña pasá, e impakto finansiero di COVID-19 riba e propiedat tabata i lo kontinuá ta…
LionsDive Beach Resort Curaçao – a Driving Economic Force for 31 years
During the mid-eighties, after the devaluation of the Venezuelan Bolivar and the departure of the Shell Oil Company, Curaçao was in crisis and the Curaçao Lions Club was struggling with the question of how they, as a service club, could contribute positively to the island economy. The Curaçao Lions Club started to develop a plan…
Studiantenan di Merka i Canada ku a regresá Kòrsou ta bon konektá ku Digicel
WILLEMSTAD: Resientemente Kòrsou a risibí 48 studiante ku a regresá for di Merka i Canada. E hóbennan a risibí un ‘goodybag’ di Digicel ku na mes momentu ta un ‘starter package’ i ta inkluí un SIM ku minüt di yamada, data i SMS. Ademas, nan a risibí un plan di data spesialmente pa nan. Di…
Banco di Caribe ta paga penshon di SVB djabièrnè dia 29 di Mei
WILLEMSTAD: Banco di Caribe ta anunsiá ku penshonadonan por kobra nan penshon di SVB dia 29 di mei, 2020. Un bes mas ta apelá na tur penshonado ku tin un tarheta di débito pa hasi uso di un di e ATMnan di Banco di Caribe stratégikamente situá riba nos isla pa kobra nan penshon. Den…
Webinar inspirativo rondó di “ e normal nobo” organisá pa “Reset the workplace”
Si bo ke “reset” bo organisashon, awor ta e momento. Tur hende ta sinti nan konektá dor di e nesesidat pa hasi kosnan otro; Nos ta mas inkliná pa skucha otro i ta en buska di un ritmo nobo; Un Balansa enter trabou i bida priva. E inisiativa nobo “Reset the workplace” ta fiha netamente…
Lansamentu simbóliko “Quick Win Plan” desaroyo área di Zakito
WILLEMSTAD – Mei 2020 – Resientemente Minister di Desaroyo Ekonómiko sra. Giselle Mc William huntu ku Minister di Tráfiko, Transporte i Planifikashon Urbano sra. Zita Jesus-Leito i Minister di Salubridat Públiko, Medio Ambiente i Naturalesa sra. Suzy Camelia- Römer a duna inisio di e promé paso pa ehekushon di e “Quick Win Plan” pa desaroyo…
Digicel Group One Limited ta implementá rekonstrukshon despues di aprobashon di mas ku 97% di su tenedónan di bono
Willemstad: Na komienso di Aprel 2020, Digicel a anunsiá algun aktividat di refinansiamentu, ku na momentu ku esaki keda kompletá lo fortifiká su estado finansiero redusiendo su debe ku 1.7 bion dollar, ekstendiendo e tempu di pago i redusí nos gastunan aktual di finansiamentu. Despues di e gran sosten di nos kréditornan pa e proposishon…
Introduction to a Tourism Recovery Plan for Curaçao
WILLEMSTAD- May 19, 2020 – In a recent press conference, the Minister of Economic Development, Ms. Giselle Mc William, together with the Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB), the Curaçao Hospitality and Tourism Association (CHATA) and Curaçao Airport Holding (CAH), presented Phase 1 of a Tourism Recovery Plan. As is well known, the island’s tourism is completely…
Digicel ta bèk ku ‘Cash Calls’
Pa kada ganadó Digicel ta hasi un donashon di $25 na Voedselbank WILLEMSTAD: Ku MyDigicel App tin diferente manera pa bo gana premionan espektakular. Asina por menshoná ku for di djárason 22 Aprel a kuminsá bèk ku e yamadanan diario na unda ku e kliente ku tin MyDigicel App instalá riba su telefòn ta gana…
New discoveries on relationships between host corals, crabs and christmas tree worms
A series of recent surveys worked to highlight the important relationships between host corals, crabs and christmas tree worms. Studies were conducted off the coasts of Sint Eustatius, Curaçao and Bonaire. Understanding the relationship between reef inhabitants and their host corals could be critical in designing conservation efforts for reefs into the future. Many marine…