Category: ESO News



    On Thursday, December 7th 2017, InselAir has received the formal permit from the Surinam Civil Aviation Authorities. The flights are now opened for sale without any restriction. In line with industry practice InselAir already started selling tickets with the remark “pending government approval” before the official permit was actually granted. This remark has now been…

  • Ekselente notisia pa Baoase Culinary Beach Restaurant

    Ekselente notisia pa Baoase Culinary Beach Restaurant

    Caribbean Journal a nombra Baoase Culinary Beach Restaurant komo e mihó restaurant di karibe. E plataforma online aki ta un di e plataformanan mas grandi i konosi riba e tereno di turismo den karibe , ku mas di 510.000 ususario di nan pagina online tur luna I un rekonosimentu di mas ku 1mion persona riba…

  • ‘Marshe Kòrsou ta Dushi’ na Barber

    ‘Marshe Kòrsou ta Dushi’ na Barber

    Djadumingu awor, kampaña ‘Kòrsou ta Dushi. Bib’é. Stim’é.’ ta organisá WILLEMSTAD- Desèmber 2017 – Djadumingu awor, dia 10 di desèmber ta tuma lugá ‘Marshe Kòrsou ta Dushi’ na Parke Himno i Bandera na Barber. Manera ta konosí na  luna di sèptèmber último Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) a lansa su kampaña nobo di konsientisashon…

  • Digicel ta invitá klientenan pa un paseo di kompra na Sambil

    Digicel ta invitá klientenan pa un paseo di kompra na Sambil

    Download My Digicel App; e ta bal sèn! WILLEMSTAD:  E fin di aña aki klientenan di Digicel por spera hopi promoshon interesante.  Konsentrando riba entretenimentu pa henter famia Digicel su kampaña di fin di aña ta regalando su klientenan tur siman diferente premio. Un momentu ku sigur henter famia ta disfrutá, ta e paseo di…

  • Caribbean Journal awards Curaçao International Airport the title ‘Caribbean Airport of the Year 2017’

    Caribbean Journal awards Curaçao International Airport the title ‘Caribbean Airport of the Year 2017’

    Florida – Caribbean Journal, the largest travel platform covering Caribbean destinations, awarded Curaçao International Airport the title ‘Caribbean Airport of the Year’ in this year’s ‘Caribbean Travel Awards’. The article puts the spotlight on the Airport Expansion Project and airport-experience enhancement activities, stating how Curaçao International Airport is at the forefront of the trend wherein…

  • CHATA Stars of the Industry Q3 2017

    CHATA Stars of the Industry Q3 2017

    Willemstad (December 6th , 2017) – The award ceremony of the Stars of the Industry 3rd quarter of 2017 was held at CHATA member Starbucks Curaçao at Mambo Beach Boulevard. During this event, the 3rd quarter employees and supervisors nominated by a variety of CHATA members were recognized and celebrated. All the nominees received a…

  • Cpost International N.V. i Sunrise Airways a firma un kontrato di benta di tíket na tur filial di Cpost International N.V.

    Cpost International N.V. i Sunrise Airways a firma un kontrato di benta di tíket na tur filial di Cpost International N.V.

    Resientemente Cpost International N.V. i Sunrise Airways a firma un kontrato di benta di tíket na tur filial di Cpost International N.V. Klientenan ta bonbiní pa kompra di nan tíket pa buelo di Sunrise Airways na kualkier un di e filialnan di Cpost  na Groot Kwartier, Punda, WTC, Otrabanda i Paseata. Sunrise Airways tin buelo nònstòp…

  • Buska bo KFC Santa Meal for di awe i gana bo partisipashon den Santa Run

    Buska bo KFC Santa Meal for di awe i gana bo partisipashon den Santa Run

    Willemstad- DEC- Ta fin di aña i manera tur hende por spera KFC, un biaha mas lo ta engrande ku un kampaña pa henter famia. E temporada aki ademas di disfrutá di bo KFC, ta kontribuí ku un bunita kousa i lo saka 30 ganador na final di e kampaña ku lo partisipá den e…

  • Banco di Caribe: Kòrda aktivá bo tarheta di débito promé ku bo biaha pa eksterior

    Banco di Caribe: Kòrda aktivá bo tarheta di débito promé ku bo biaha pa eksterior

    WILLEMSTAD- DEC 2017:  Nos ta den temporada di fin di aña i Banco di Caribe ta konsiente ku esaki ta e temporada ku uso di tarhetanan di débito i krédito ta mas ku usual. Hopi ta esnan ku ta probechá e dianan festivo pa bai di biahe tambe. Pa e motibu aki Banco di Caribe…

  • Dilara Tramm Ganadó di Luna Yen 2017

    Dilara Tramm Ganadó di Luna Yen 2017

    Willemstad, Djasabra último 2 di dezèmber tabatin e Gran Final di Luna Yen, e show di talento pa Hubentut ku a tuma lugá 8or di anochi na Zona Kultural sala La Tentashon. Un anochi karga ku talento kaminda Dilara Tramm a gana e premio máksimo di e kompetensha Luna Yen. Dilara a kanta su propio…