Baby born at Curaçao International Airport

Willemstad  On Thursday December 8th around 8 o’clock in the morning, for the very first time in Curaçao International Airport history, a baby was born inside the airport. When the mother of the child, an employee of one of the ground-handling companies, went into labor, she was helped towards the Airport Medical Room and aided by CAP Firemen, CAP security and operations employees and also an employee of one of the stores, until the airport doctor of Porto Medico arrived. Mother and child were later brought to the hospital by ambulance. This week Curaçao Airport Partners held a special meeting with the employees and doctor, during which the mother of the child as well as the airport operator and the ground-handling company showed their appreciation and gratitude for the first aid and support that was offered on that day. The picture shows Sandra, the mother of the baby, surrounded by the various airport employees that helped her when she was in labor. The baby has been named Jade Elaine Margareth, of which the name ‘Margareth’ was chosen in honor of ‘Margareth Abraham’, the honored local flight attendant that saved many lives in an airplane incident in 1970 and after whom the plaza at Curaçao International Airport is named.