We call it Gay pride. A series of events that happen in cities big and small celebrating being gay in a straight world. This celebration of life, love and liberty isn’t just about parades and partying.
It is about the gay community being visible and belonging to a community, a town, a city, a nation and the world. It is about the hope that not only things are getting better but things will continue to improve.
We especially have to guard against things possibly getting worst for the gay community in 2017. When Pride parades, events, movies, parties and discussions happen, LGBT people are seen for more than just a caricature of who we are. We are seen as real people: mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, etc.
Funny, silly or serious we become more than just a shadow to be afraid of. There is Pride in being out and open. Gay Pride is about caring and responsibility. We do care for our community and we want to kick the shame to the curb and celebrate the amazing lives we are living. Gay pride is the celebration of life, human rights and ultimately the right to love whoever we want. Pride is also necessary for those who fought all those years so that we could lead the lives we are living now.
Pride is a powerful way to show that we beat those who want to create a place where being gay is hidden and shameful. Think about the young adult who is dreaming of going to a pride event and being so excited that they can be themselves without fear of judgment. Think about the elderly gay person for whom pride is a reminder of how far we have come.
Gay pride is also for the parents, the brothers and sisters and the friends who stand next to the person they love. Of course, Pride is not for everyone. And that’s okay. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with Pride. Some people outgrow it. Some people were never suited for it in the first place.
But as long as there are still people who need Pride, we as a community should still continue to organize, continue to march, and continue to rise up. Frank Holtslag President Curacao Pride