On Friday March 17, the fifth edition of the Pride Villager was launched. The Pride Villager is the only magazine on the island that offers the local gay community a central stage. The magazine has a total of 64 pages, is a pleasant read and covers interviews, columns and articles as well as information about the Curaçao Pride 2017.
The newest edition contains columns on several topics, personal interviews with straight people who have a gay best friend and touching stories of love. We also get to peek into the lives of Williwood’s Marfa Wawoe and fashion designer David Paulus.
“The support we received from the community in making the magazine has been overwhelming. It is inspiring to find that people are willing to share their story with us. The cover photo and the beautiful pictures of the interviews are a contribution of Marika Ringnalda Photography, also known from the book 360° Curaçao. Makeup and production were done by Bianca Klein and the editing and proofreading was done by Nephtalie Demei, also known for TEDxCuraçao. And fortunately, advertisers are realising the importance of approaching this very commercially profitable audience. Acceptance and tolerance in general are a positive side effect.”, says Marlous Molendijk, editor of The Pride Villager.
The Pride Villager is for sale for Nafl. 10, – and is available starting next week at Van der Tweel supermarkets, Bruna, Mensing’s Caminada and Floris Suite Hotel. Also, Floris Suite Hotel will be offering the magazine as an in-room magazine.