Curaçao Airport Partners statement regarding The Curaçao Winery

Willemstad June 8, 2016 – Curaçao Airport Partners stands by its prior statement that its agreement with The Curaçao Winery was of a temporary nature. Management of CAP finds it unfortunate that the company is being placed in a negative spotlight due to the termination of the agreement and that it has had to come forward to again prove there was always support and cooperation from CAP’s side and no misunderstanding whatsoever regarding the temporary nature of the project. The project had received full support, in addition to usage of 3 acres of land and water resources at no cost, all in order to support the test-project that could prove it could be of economic significance for Curaçao.

CAP and The Winery agreed per e-mail on the limited use of the property. CAP has always made clear that long-term leasing of the airport property was impossible due to planned aeronautical developments as defined in the Airport Master Plan. Despite this fore-warning, The Winery still wanted to use the ground stating in an email on April 2nd 2014 that (quote) “Possible airport development may put the Curacao Winery at risk, a risk which it is willing to consider to a certain degree”.

The e-mail by The Winery continues with two alternative scenarios:
Scenario 1: Proposing  that CAP  lease the land to Curaçao Winery for an indefinite term at no cost and that CAP may terminate the lease agreement for (part of) the lot at any time with a notice period of 18 months; Or
Scenario 2: Proposing that CAP  lease the land to Curaçao Winery for a 5 year period at market value (to be assessed by independent appraiser) and that Curaçao Winery would be able to opt for a continuation of the lease agreement for successive 5 year terms, subject to confirmation by CAP. In this scenario CAP would be able to terminate the lease agreement at the end of the term with a notice period of 12 months.

In its reply to The Winery, in an e-mail dated April 3rd 2014, CAP offered to agree with Scenario 1, however referring back to the flexibility CAP would need, and proposing to reduce the notice period to 12 months. In their reply on April 3rd 2014 The Winery thanked CAP for their positive reply and stated that Option 1 was workable for The Winery including the 12 month notice of termination period.

In November 2015, 8 months ago, CAP informed The Winery that it would be needing the land for aeronautical development purposes, and served the notice of the termination. After holding a meeting with The Winery regarding this issue, CAP, upon the request of The Winery, extended the notice period taking into account the third harvest of the winery.  It should be noted that CAP had also put the Winery in contact with owners of more suitable land.

It is unfortunate, and disappointing, that CAP continues to be mentioned in a negative light despite its support and contribution to the Winery test project. CAP will not participate any further in public discussions on the matter. Furthermore, CAP feels that it has contributed to The Winery, and to the economic interest of Curaçao, by allowing the proof of concept to be conducted and completed without ever receiving compensation for the use of this property and its resources. CAP wishes The Winery the best of luck in its future endeavors.