CAP carried out emergency drill at the airport

Willemstad – Today a Full Scale Exercise was carried out at Curaçao International Airport, which is a routine exercise that takes place every two years. This year’s exercise carried the name ‘United 2014’ and refers to the collaboration between all 230 participants in order to jointly to verify the procedures, implement improvements where necessary and ensure the preparedness of all organization involved in aircraft accidents. According to international and national standards, it is mandatory to have a full emergency exercise every two years. Curaçao Airport Partners (CAP) is the initiator in this and coordinated the exercise that took place Tuesday morning from 10:00am until 12:00pm in the most eastern part of the Taxiway. During the exercise an accident with a Fokker 50 was simulated as well as the whole incident chain from the accident to the rescue, evacuation, medical attention, passenger treatment, operation, security and communication. All involved organizations like CAP, the Curaçao Fire Department, the Police, FOL, the airport medic (Porto Medico), the Ambulance, Blue and Red Cross, InselAir, the funeral agencies and other governmental companies that are key during such excercises. In addition, various representatives of CCAA, CAH, Fire Department Curaçao, SEHOS, Citro, ArkeFly, Jetblue and KLM participated as observant. During the exercise Curaçao Airport Partners simulated the interaction at the fully equipped and dedicated emergency center (A-EOC). The facilities and modern equipment were used to simulate a extensive web-conference meeting with the team of InselAir. At the same time on the Taxiway, 47 teenagers of the Brigade of ‘Bos di Hubentut’ helped out by acting as passengers during the simulation. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis was a routine exercise in order to verify the procedures and to ensure the preparedness of all organizations involved in incidents concerning aircrafts. It will be evaluated and proposals for further improvements will be presented. During the simulation the regular operation at the airport continued as usual and was not disturbed. All flights were handled as is usually done.