Recently, the CHATA Dive Task Force conducted a study to better understand the impact of the Diving Industry on Curaçao. The Dive market is a niche market for Curaçao with great growth potential. The recent study shows that the diving industry contributes with a total of 21.3 Million dollars in yearly revenue for the island based on a daily expenditure of 300$ per diver. The daily expenditure includes three tourist expenses, Accommodation, Dive equipment and excursion/F&B cost. Furthermore the study shows that we have a total of 325 daily divers on Curaçao of which 90% are visitors. 90% amounts up to 292 “tourist” divers a day. The other 10% are considered locals, guides and interns (Stagiares). The Accommodation industry is also in benefit of the growing dive industry. Based on the results of the study, a total of +/- 200 rooms are being occupied on a daily basis by a Dive tourist on Curaçao. This represents a huge amount of rooms says CHATA President & CEO, Ms. Lizanne Dindial. Just imagine 200 rooms a day, 1,400 room nights a week followed by 72,800 room nights a year. The importance of the dive industry in this case is measured by its economic value for the island. Divers are an important part of our tourism mix as a destination. Divers are considered active travellers who rent a car & room, purchases or rents dive equipment, purchases both food & beverage in our restaurants and shops and therefor contribute significantly to our economy. CHATA’s aim is to continue to collect more DATA that will better help in understanding the importance of our tourism industry. The Dive research was conducted based on the DATA available of all the registered dive schools on Curaçao. Furthermore the number of Dive Tanks being filled per day was taken into account. Throughout the year Curaçao has received many divers from all around the world but when identifying our main dive markets CHATA would classify this as Holland, USA and Brazil being the top 3 dive markets for Curaçao. The CHATA Dive task force members are: Atlantis Watersports, Caribbean Sea Sports N.V., Dive Center Scuba Do, Duikcentrum van de Ven, Go West Diving, Goby Divers & Watersports N.V, Ocean Encounters, Relaxed Guided Dives B.V, The Dive Bus.
325 Daily Divers on Curaçao… $21.3 Million Dollars in Economic value CHATA informs